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Carl T. Bergstrom

Y'all know about North American barn penguins?

Floaty Birb

@jbaggs @APBBlue @ct_bergstrom @GossiTheDog Porgs are the pokemons, I mean alien animals in Star Wars the Last Jedi that look like the things in that picture.

I think they were added as CGI inserts to cover the actual endangered birds that were on the island where they filmed part of that movie.

Floaty Birb

@ct_bergstrom I am aware of the Barn Penguins now and I wish to befriend them.

Bill Hooker

@ct_bergstrom Oh yeah, favourite prey of the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus.


This got my brain imagining a world where flight in birds had developed from swimming ancestors - then realised I'd come up with an Aquatic Bird Hypothesis.

Oh no.

(Lovely photo, nevertheless!)



I'm glad I read the ALT. I was deeply puzzled. 😁

StellaFoxxie :spinny_fox_nb:​

@ct_bergstrom when i saw this i went "yooo look at these fuckers" and showed it to my bf

Everyday.Human Derek

@ct_bergstrom Did you discuss micro napping with them ? πŸ˜…

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