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Veronica Explains

KDE Connect allows me to:

- See texts on any of my computers
- Get notified on my phone when a task is done
- Send files back and forth
- Do all of the above on ancient hardware without inducing FOMO thanks to rampantly promoting a single company's marginal improvements as though they're groundbreaking


@vkc And it's straightforward to setup without needing an account.


@vkc I couldn't live without it! Just transferred my last posted photo from my phone with it!

Siddharth Saxena

@vkc KDE Connect in combination with Syncthing on my Android and Linux devices is a far more reliable solution compared to cloud based ecosystems that Google, Microsoft and Apple implement. Not to mention everything stays locally on my devices so I can ensure that all my data stays under my control ;)

Matt Mascarenhas

@vkc Gosh, I misread this as "Send" texts on any computers. Followed by the "get notified on my phone" point I had visions of sending SMS text messages to phone as notifications!

Nickle (they/them) ✨ 🏳️‍🌈

@vkc I'd never heard of this before, so I checked it out, and OMG it's wonderful! Thanks so much for the recommendation!

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