Damn, they brought the calculator to the iPad. Unbelievable #wwdc24
@Gargron And all it took was Google, Microsoft and Facebook putting AI in everything to get Apple to innovate the calculator app. /s @Gargron also you can now put your icons ANYWHERE on the home screen. How is this possible? Ted, I still have one. And I still use it on the very rare occasions when I need to test something on Android 4.4 beq, last time I participated in Telegram contests, the Android app still supported 4.4, so I had to at least make sure it didn't crash after my changes @Gargron "People don't know what they want until we show it to them after they've been asking for it for a decade and the fact that we haven't produced it yet becomes a meme." |
@Gargron Now I have seen everything!