@TodePond Oh I see a disagreement. I've been gravitating towards durable software as a value, which is perhaps anti-tadi.
Depends on what "die" means to you here. I imagine "the Way" as emitting a trail of programs. Each program might be on a trajectory of ossification but still be usable long after it freezes.
@TodePond My hope/dream is that in the FoC/Merveilles/TodePond/Ink&Switch/Handmade/Mastodon nexus there is the beginnings of a scene akin to the one around Gertrude Stein's Salon in pre-war Paris: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gertrude_Stein#27_rue_de_Fleurus:_The_Stein_salon
A scene will have inevitable disagreements. But hopefully this ferment is leading somewhere with answers.