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You heard #Adobe. Deep down you knew this was coming. Now all your art are belong to them. Time to move on to better things...

Kreative Suite
* Krita is your new design/painting app
* Kdenlive will give you video-editing powers
* glaxnimate adds 2D vector animations to you videos
* digiKam organises your collection images
* Inkscape - create sophisticated vector-graphic designs
* Scribus - layout like a pro
* GIMP - need we say more
* Blender - ditto

guyinahat you can also use #FreeCAD to draw up your house or anything else parametrically, and then export as STL and use #blender to make a movie of it/with it.


FreeCAD has become soooo good!

LPS well it appears as though #youtube has now become a "gated community" the #YT frontends are not working. It prompts a login to prove you're not a bot:(

@LPS - I can get in without any login or botgate, but It's Google so who knows what they are up to. Just like Adobe, MS et all.
Benedikt Wi

@lps I had no trouble to download using #yt_dlp, but that might depend on your location. Last year my IP address got blocked from google (search, yt) for a couple of days.

Shell :fedora: :kde: This post reads funnier with the implication that it's a threat from KDE.

Forrest H. Leeson Nothing to replace Audition? Y'all should strategerifically partnershippify with QTractor

Ray Of Sunlight Bro, even YOU guys are suggesting GIMP, meanwhile most people try to use Krita as an image editor cuz of the UI and other issues i can't fully understand.

Is like using a Lawnmower to cut wood.

Edit: I need to clarify that i'm saying that people are using the WRONG TOOL for the job, i'm not saying either of these programs suck.

Topaz 🐇

@kde I had not heard of Glaxanimate before, gonna try it out today!

Spidey212 Thanks for this post. It's super helpful! Do you have any suggestions for replacing substance painter? I've been getting by fine with blender and krita. Your kdenlive suggestion was a godsend! 🤩

Delta Wye Adobe should make no mistake. We have the creative power here.

smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)

See also this great curated list of #FOSS creative tools collected by @ADHDefy

If you have more such fine projects, then create an issue or PR. The link to the repository is at the top of the delightful page.

seism0saurus 🦕

I will seriously propose the exchange of all Windows installations and commercial software like Photoshop at work with Open Source pendants.
I don't think, it will be accepted easily but at least I can try.


Gimp is not ready and the best alternative is the Windows only intensionally Linux incompatible Affinity Photo.

Just a matter of time before Microsoft do something similar with #recall

teledyn 𓂀

25 years ago I proposed to a schoolboard they could save a whopping bill by switching to open source alternatives, indeed dropping the NT server licenses alone would be enough to build and staff one new school per year!

I was told, with a straight face, matter of fact, that "to prepare children for their future means teaching the commercial products we use today."

They then outsourced their IT to a certified Microsoft partner.

And people wonder why I'm no fan of Public Education.

25 years ago I proposed to a schoolboard they could save a whopping bill by switching to open source alternatives, indeed dropping the NT server licenses alone would be enough to build and staff one new school per year!

I was told, with a straight face, matter of fact, that "to prepare children for their future means teaching the commercial products we use today."

*The* Paul Brown


No necessarily a "Public Education" issue. Often it is corporations interfering in public institutions. At the _public_ faculties of computer science unis in Extremadura and Málaga I heard the same. A little probing revealed that Microsoft, Adobe and Oracle were funding labs and researchers, and lavishing gifts on the professors.

teledyn 𓂀

@Bro666 I was there when Apple descended on academia with deep preditory discounts and even purchasing all wall space on St George subway station to flog their underpowered overpriced sewn-up tight proprietary products.

It was an obvious trap, but few cared. A laptop 90% off? Gee, that's gotta be a good deal…

I ran yggdrasil Linux, some were intrigued by my ability to keep working while a document printed, but not enough to part with their pretty Mac.

@Bro666 I was there when Apple descended on academia with deep preditory discounts and even purchasing all wall space on St George subway station to flog their underpowered overpriced sewn-up tight proprietary products.

It was an obvious trap, but few cared. A laptop 90% off? Gee, that's gotta be a good deal…

Hunterrules kdenlive is based and changed me. thank you kde for making it so based.

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