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Andrew Tropin

I always a bit shy asking for support in general or talking about funding FOSS projects in particular, I didn't even have a direct link to support page on my site.

Today I realized that it's not ok and from now on I need to be more open and explicit on the problem of FOSS funding. I started with updating my site index page.

I genuinely grateful to all the people, who already bolster me and related projects no matter how hard it was to find a support page :)

shom 🐧📷🤿🏔️🪚

@abcdw thanks for sharing and bringing light to funding in FOSS. Do you have any non-crypto means for us to support you directly? Is Liberapay¹ an option at all?


Andrew Tropin

@shom Unfortunatelly no. I can't register a stripe or paypal (and thus liberapay, github sponsors, etc) account with Georgian or Russian documents.

I have a few bank accounts for my legal entity, but I don't think it's legal to receive donations on business accounts.

Andrew Tropin

@shom I added Tropin subproject on opencollective.

Updated corresponding information on page.

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