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War and Peas 🧿

2024 is a mega election year and the EU elections are taking place this week. This is the 2nd largest election in the world - around 350 million people are eligible to vote.

Just like the elections in India and the USA this year - this one is very important for coexistence on our planet. Therefore, we want to use our reach and call on all those who are entitled to vote to make their voice heard.

We must not leave the EU to the far-right parties and must defend our democracies. Please vote.

betalars :antifa:

@warandpeas I made an #ALT4you, please edit your post, I would love to share it.

Go Vote!
black text written above a group of characters moving from trough a cartoon frame:
left to right
a green slender alien, a jumping dog, a worm, a witch with ginger hair flying on a broom, a robot holding a flower and a woman sitting on its shoulder, a burning earth with lipstick and death.

John Lindsay

@warandpeas except you lot in the UK. You can have Farage all to yourselves again.


@warandpeas we're a few days before the date and I still no clue who's list I'm gonna vote in the 37 possibilities in my country. Though I could remove at least the 10 lists with fascists, racists and other far right/rights that definitely blurred too much the line with ED.
(Yes read that right thirty fucking seven list in France.)

War and Peas 🧿

@grifenpierre In 2014 there was something called "Vote&Vous" which was supposed to help with the decision making. Don't they still do that in France?


@warandpeas the last news is see about them is about the European election of 2019. So I guess no 😓

Miroslav Hylš 🇺🇦 🇹🇼

@warandpeas Agree, only one remark: far-left parties are the same shit like far-right.

Mike Meyers

@warandpeas already done that. The only downside, I got only one vote, which is difficult because there were so many good ppl in different parties. I wish I had 3 votes like in the election of our town council

Pascal Girardi

@warandpeas I will vote for sure. But Where I'm not sure that they will not change my choice and will not change the results. I have been soooo disappointed with politics for last fer years.

Yusuf Toropov


Could not agree more. This is my first election as a citizen of #Ireland and I'm taking it very seriously. When I was in Dublin yesterday I saw a poster for a candidate whose slogan was "IRELAND FOR THE IRISH." Not so sure I want that viewpoint representing me.

Here as in the USA, when voting in some races, it's important to think defensively.

Voting is ranked here, so in some of them I will probably hold my nose and vote FF or FG down the list to keep the racists out.

Chris of All Trades

@warandpeas I already voted in advance which was about as convenient as it gets. Make sure to cast your vote too!

Scotty Trees

@warandpeas Modi is already gonna win in India again for the 3rd time now, take of that what you will, it'll make a lot of nationalist Hindus happy, but the muslims in India won't be represented any longer and historically that always spells trouble.



I read, "War and Peas," actually. I liked it a lot. What's your favorite part?



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