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Adrianna Pińska

I don't know if I believe the theories that Microsoft is being pressured to introduce this by state actors who want to be able to spy on us.

But it would be darkly funny if, after all our paranoia about secret back doors, The Man just rolled up with a bulldozer in broad daylight to install a *front* door, complete with a neon sign and a welcome mat.


@confluency It's only paranoia if the suspicions are unjustified.

And facts show that they weren't. They aren't.

Šimon Tóth

@confluency I doubt they are being pressured into it (I know product managers that would be capable of introducing something this stupid).

But I can guarantee that the border control and other state actors are popping Champagne.

Adrianna Pińska

@simontoth Yeah, personally I suspect that this is organic stupidity from managers high on their own AI assistant hype fumes.

But the only way to fix something like this is with legislation, and I worry that governments won't try very hard to legislate against something that's so... convenient.


@confluency Then what represents the Vogon fleet? Or Ford Prefect?


@confluency That's just what The Man does. Anyone who was paying attention to the fate of RIM and the effective encryption briefly available via Blackberry devices will remember the bulldozer.

Problems with collectively derived power can't have individual answers.

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