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Adrianna PiƄska

This Recall thing is a prime example of how bad we are at understanding when something is a systemic problem.

It doesn't matter if *you* disable it. It doesn't matter if *you* install Linux. It doesn't matter if *you* set your computer on fire and move to a Luddite commune.

If you have *ever* sent sensitive data, no matter how securely, to another person who now has this shit enabled, and they find your data and look at it, your data is compromised, and there's nothing you can do about it.

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@confluency moving to Linux helps. Of course more SSNs will be leaked with all other identifying metrics attached to it to make it easy for people to be hit with ID theft.


@confluency This is why we must curate our friends wisely and refuse to talk about anything sensitive or personal with people who still use Windows and refuse to listen


@confluency A regulated financial organisation I once knew had a stringent rule that widows users COULD NOT connect to the production system (Sun), because they were already so insecure. I and one other consultant on my team could, because we had SPARC laptops.

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