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Kevin Beaumont

I’ve managed to get Recall working in full on a non-Copilot+ system, without an NPU. Will accelerate testing.

Kevin Beaumont replied to Kevin

Copilot+ Recall feature pop quiz:

You deal with a sensitive matter on my Windows PC. E.g. an email you delete. Does Copilot Recall still store the deleted email?

Answer: yes. There's no feature to delete screenshots of things you delete while using your PC. You would have to remember to go and purge screenshots that Recall makes every few seconds.

If you or a friend use disappearing messages in WhatsApp, Signal etc, it is recorded regardless.

Kevin Beaumont replied to Kevin

It comes up a lot as people are rightly confused, but if you wonder what problem Microsoft are trying to solve with Recall:

It isn't them being evil, it's business leaders who are middle aged and can't remember what they're doing driving decision making about which problems to solve.

A huge amount of business leaders are dudes who have no idea what the fuck is happening. This leads to the Recall feature.

Microsoft exists in and is driven by that bubble.

Kevin Beaumont replied to Kevin

I asked Microsoft Copilot to write a song about Copilot+ Recall.

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