The insanity of WSL and Windows… if you have a directory that you would like to access from outside of WSL and inside of WSL, then it's internally some sort of share and access from the WSL is insanely slow. Like… git, for example. So if I have a Perl script that calls git a dozen times for very big repos… I can have lunch. And outside of WSL, I don't have Perl so I can do hyper-focused clickety-doo session with Git Extensions and achieve brainless nirvana, but when I wake up the sun is cold, the coffee is gone and my love life in shambles. This won't do. So now: do I switch from native Emacs to WSL Emacs? Do I drop all pretence of working with Windows and just work in WSL? Do I piss off the IT department and push for Linux laptops, joining the ranks of broken hearts?
Or maybe I'll just have a late lunch instead. 🤨