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New App, New Accessibility Features ✨

Available soon!

#pixelfed #accessibility #mobileApp

Pixelfed mobile app Accessibility settings with the following options:

- Show Alt Text Button
Adds a tappable button on the bottom left corner of media to easily view alt text

- Require Alt-Text in Feeds
Require yourself to add alt-text to posts you compose before they can be shared

- Require Alt-Text in Feeds
Hide posts without alt-text in feeds

- Reduce Motion
Disable all animations and auto play media

- Hide videos
Hide all video posts in feeds and discover

- High Contrast Mode
Enable the high contrast UI

@pixelfed Options 1 to 4 must be enabled by default, please.


@pixelfed I am looking forward to trying this app out when it is available. Especially the new accessibility features. I tried to go on the website to sign up for an account, but I just got confused by the whole thing.

always tired (moved to chaos)

@pixelfed Do you have "haptics"? If so, can it be disabled? Or is it (yet better IMO) disabled by default?

Manuel :verified: :linux:

@pixelfed perché l'app per android è "sparita" da ogni dove ed è rimasta solo nel betats google, inutile professare liberta dalle grandi tech e poi constringere l'utente ad iscriversi a google per partecipare al programma beta...

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