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@hannah @mozilla
hm, i see. and i guesss you don't think is a training thing..

is it worse than _no_ alt text?
a human will have a superior understanding of context, and should be strongly preferred -but many people don't all the same, and i'm doubtful that will change. this seems (from an outside perspective) to be a reasonable, if unsatisfying, solution.

Hannah Kolbeck 🏳️‍⚧️

@0x5DA @mozilla It can be useful for a person using a screen reader to have access to an AI description, but crucial there is that said user needs to know that that's the source of said description. There are repeated patterns of those who feel pressured to include descriptions but don't actually care about accessibility doing the absolute minimum, manifesting here as using the direct AI output without examination or editing.

So yes, a lack of inline alt text is better than AI gen inline.


@hannah @mozilla
[.. because the AI output may be incorrect, and the author negligent in checking it] (?)
interested to see how they steward this. i see the concerns 🙂

thanks for your time.

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