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@f4grx @hipsterelectron @mozilla The browser's code is 100% independent from Chrome. I didn't say the organization is independent, whatever that means.

Like it or not, there isn't any other game in town when it comes to browsers that aren't based on Chrome.


@sasha92 @f4grx @hipsterelectron @mozilla Firefox market share is now under 3%. If you waste your resources on a guaranteed to be wrong alt text generator it'll soon crater even further.

F4GRX Sébastien

@chx @sasha92 @hipsterelectron @mozilla 3% of people who allow stat counting. It is much higher among people that use the right tools to prevent stat measurement.

These 3% are totally musrepresenting the user base.


@f4grx @chx @sasha92 @hipsterelectron @mozilla Yeah, I don't use Firefox or Windows, but websites typically detect my system as "Firefox on Windows" which makes me think many of these statistics are pretty low precision, but it's not like I have more accurate ones either.

F4GRX Sébastien

@sasha92 @hipsterelectron @mozilla i know, and I still love it and use it daily. I was too sarcastic.

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