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@hipsterelectron @paper @sasha92 @mozilla nobody is trashing on anything bud, they are just saying that it would be physically impossible for any group of people, regardless of how large they are, to add a description to a fraction of the imagines uploaded every day.

You could, instead, argue that it would be nice to use image detection to match images with multiple databases that contain descriptions, so if you don't feel like using the model (and/or you don't like what it gives you) you can try to check a community provided one, if any exist.

Emi replied to drevil

@chickfilla @hipsterelectron @sasha92 @mozilla I can't reply to them as they blocked me, but I just wanted to say that I do see the value in that project and I like what they are doing. I am just saying that while this project will not give as accurate alt texts as that human made database, I think it is still valuable because of how many images without alt text exist out there.

drevil replied to Emi

@paper @hipsterelectron @sasha92 @mozilla Oh and I agree with you entirely, I wrote another reply where I basically said the same thing. I think it is a very noble and useful cause, my issue was with the nature of their replies instead.

d@nny "disc@" mcClanahan replied to drevil

@chickfilla @mozilla please read up on hannah's work before suggesting things like you're the first person to ever consider this problem. "image detection" like you describe is totally separate from "AI" bullshit (so why are you even mentioning it like it's some sort of gotcha?) and is very much a component of hannah's existing implementation

drevil replied to d@nny "disc@" mcClanahan

@hipsterelectron @mozilla I think you misunderstood what I am trying to say. I am suggesting that one could use it to relate an image with community supplied alt texts should you want that as an option and they be available.

Also I am not looking for any gotchas, I do think a project focused on providing image descriptions is a noble cause, my problem comes with your idea that a model has no use for this. If this creates an image description that the poster likes and feels like it represents the image they are about to post well, then what's the harm?

You are acting extremely defensive when nobody, and I mean nobody, is discrediting nor even criticizing their project, just pointing out obvious limitations that do not in any way discredit its intentions.

@hipsterelectron @mozilla I think you misunderstood what I am trying to say. I am suggesting that one could use it to relate an image with community supplied alt texts should you want that as an option and they be available.

Also I am not looking for any gotchas, I do think a project focused on providing image descriptions is a noble cause, my problem comes with your idea that a model has no use for this. If this creates an image description that the poster likes and feels like it represents the...

d@nny "disc@" mcClanahan replied to drevil

@chickfilla ok then i have no clue what you're trying to say. are you just trying to paint me as defensive? sorry for assuming you were acting in good faith

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