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Rev. Poppy Haze

@gsuberland salute the furry nuclear program 🫡


@poppyhaze @gsuberland But I keep running it together in my head as a mumbled "Funicular Programme"… au secours, @tryst !


@gsuberland well the fomo might be strong but at least I can say I was irradiated slightly less than the average EMF attendee this weekend!

Dr Footleg (he/him)

@gadgetoid @gsuberland I'm absolutely gutting I missed two chances to acquire radioactive sources this weekend. My next father and daughter projects specifically needs* one!

*For real! She wants us to build a cloud chamber to see radioactive high energy particles.

Dan Murphy

@gsuberland excellent usage of an Unsafe Warnings sticker!

Advanced Persistent Teapot

@gsuberland I know someone who has had actual cause for that second sign to be relevant

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@http_error_418 EMF has too! We had two radioactive devices left at the swap shop.


Radioactivity can seriously damage your spelling.

Emma Jezebel Cat Lady Byrne

@gsuberland every rule on a ship is a monument to a <s>dead sailor</s> radioactive spider


@gsuberland I don’t really know what this swap is, but I think the signs are hilarious cause I am imagining different scenarios where these things happened and thereby required the rules!

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@littlescraps the rules were indeed required here. someone left two devices containing americium.


@gsuberland for the love of GOD. Why would they do that? Gaaads, even an accountant from Alaska knows that is a stupid thing to do. I really thought it was a play on words, not literally. Yikes, but on a plus side I now know what Americium is.

MerGlOwl, Octopus-Faenby

@gsuberland @littlescraps are there volunteers with a Geigercounter stationed there to test anything that gets brought in?

Tony Hoyle

@glowl @gsuberland @littlescraps Yes, and there are little graphical maps of the radiation levels across the entire site :p

Kevin Granade

@gsuberland I saw the post yesterday and my first coherent thought was, "there's gonna be a sign"


@gsuberland That's what you electronics people get for not learning git properly. Linus Torvalds worked so hard for a good source control system!


@gsuberland all this chat has only made me want to go to emf next year, weirdly enough...!


@gsuberland @0xabad1dea I have zero context for this but I am absolutely fascinated


@kurgarru @gsuberland someone mixed in old devices that contain radioactivity sources and there’s a concern that they’re not properly labeled and could end up in the hands of someone who cracks them open

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