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@gsuberland I don’t really know what this swap is, but I think the signs are hilarious cause I am imagining different scenarios where these things happened and thereby required the rules!

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@littlescraps the rules were indeed required here. someone left two devices containing americium.


@gsuberland for the love of GOD. Why would they do that? Gaaads, even an accountant from Alaska knows that is a stupid thing to do. I really thought it was a play on words, not literally. Yikes, but on a plus side I now know what Americium is.

GlOwl Octopus-Faenby

@gsuberland @littlescraps are there volunteers with a Geigercounter stationed there to test anything that gets brought in?

Tony Hoyle

@glowl @gsuberland @littlescraps Yes, and there are little graphical maps of the radiation levels across the entire site :p

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