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Shaula Evans

I know a horrifyingly vast number of people in education circles who are all-in, gung-ho about AI.

How do you teach environmental studies while you are supporting catastrophic waste of water & active global warming?

How do you teach kids that plagiarism is wrong when you are promoting plagiarism?

How do you teach kids that consent is important when you are promoting the wholesale non-consensual unpaid theft of original creators' works?



The logical thought process meets an extinction event.



Once asked someone who claimed to be an "educator" (note they didn't just say "teacher" though) what possible use there could be for this in an elementary school.

They said "kids could ask for instructions on how to change a tire, and see who gets the most accurate instructions" or something like that. Basically that we should stop teaching kids how to change tires themselves, and teach them how to ask a parrot to do it and see who best talks to parrots



@ShaulaEvans @edutooters This is absolutely wild to me. AI like Copilot and ChatGPT are barely usable in their current state. Trying to use AI for academic purposes right now would be like using a calculator that regularly spits out answers such as 2 + 2 = potato.


@galad @ShaulaEvans @edutooters
But that's how these things get trained, how else would they ever get to a state where they will finally replace most of us and the 1% don't have to bother with these pesky workers anymore.
Ok, someone will have to clean the toilets, but yeah


@galad @ShaulaEvans @edutooters Part of what gets me about this bubble: it's obviously unreliable now, and given its rapid deployment, the engines are going to start inputting their own output, so it's going to get worse, not better.

Helen LH

@ShaulaEvans @edutooters I despair every time I get an email saying I should come to another event/ workshop in how to use AI in teaching. There are so many issues with it on an ethical and technical level, how can people keep pushing it?

@Helen LH
how can people keep pushing it

Similar to the microsoft expert, the google for education expert, the flash animation for education expert: future money to be made.
Suzanne Reinhardt, PhD she/her

@ShaulaEvans @edutooters @Research_FTW ed tech has been doing this for 100 years. We’ve learned nothing.


@ShaulaEvans @edutooters
I am sure you have seen this, but this case highlights what you mean so precisely -

Really paints a picture of a self contradictory situation.

Elizabeth Sudduth

@Oggie @ShaulaEvans @edutooters
Wow, that article is highly credulous and extremely lacking in details about the charges against the student.

"Students could upload materials to a private server not accessible to other users, then use AI to generate study materials."

Translation--students could upload a paper written for a class, and AI would paraphrase it so that other students could turn it in as their own.


@hydropsyche @ShaulaEvans @edutooters
To be honest, I just grabbed one of the first search results, there is a lot of stuff about this one out there and I couldn't find the one that I read with exhaustive details ( perils of being on my phone), apparently the suspended students ( or at least one of them?) are now suing.

But yes, it was even though there was no cheating they recommended punishment and it's just bonkers, because it was the right hand sabotaging the left.

@hydropsyche @ShaulaEvans @edutooters
To be honest, I just grabbed one of the first search results, there is a lot of stuff about this one out there and I couldn't find the one that I read with exhaustive details ( perils of being on my phone), apparently the suspended students ( or at least one of them?) are now suing.

unixjunk1e 🌵

@ShaulaEvans @edutooters let them use AI but only if they have their own LLM with their own public GitHub or bitbucket git repo. If they figure all that out give them an A

Benjamin Kwiecień 🇵🇸

@ShaulaEvans I guess people like AI because they don't understand it. I mean, maybe understanding it wouldn't necessarily lead to hating it, but I think it would be impossible to love it when you know what it really is. People who love it are fantasizing.

Of course, I use it sometimes myself, but rarely. I found it to be of limited utility. I've used it to generate sample texts whose content doesn't really matter.

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