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@Gargron @flugennock

I tagged you in another thread, Eugen.

The #HeroesResist hashtag has (what appear to be) many astroturf political accounts, all sporting superhero themes. It's really off-brand for the Fedi.

Here's an article on how billionaires fund troll farms on Twitter.

Perhaps they're making a move into Mastodon now.

With these accounts will come a lot of toxic behavior and corporate gaslighting of the real people who got here first.

@Gargron @flugennock

I tagged you in another thread, Eugen.

The #HeroesResist hashtag has (what appear to be) many astroturf political accounts, all sporting superhero themes. It's really off-brand for the Fedi.

Here's an article on how billionaires fund troll farms on Twitter.

Mike Flugennock

Have you been following the discussion here about the flood of obviously Democratic Party-back "astroturf" accounts on and on itself?

Not content to pollute Twitter, they've come into the Fediverse with their toxic swill.

Mike Flugennock


These people are moving in on the Fediverse now. I suppose it's a sign that Mastodon has "arrived", but the vast majority of us have come here to get away from this kind of poison.

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