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Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

We designed this product to last, and we're eager to continue making it better every year! You can read more about what we've announced here:

Moritz Heiber

@frameworkcomputer curious, does the new webcam (2nd gen) work with all other generations + Linux?

Thibault Molleman🇧🇪 🌈🐝

@dhry @frameworkcomputer you can always buy the older version and upgrade later, that's the beauty of it!

(the new laptop has a better webcam and higher res display and faster processor/ram)

Thibault Molleman🇧🇪 🌈🐝

@dhry @frameworkcomputer :sigh: tell me you don't understand how this works by telling me you don't understand how this works.....
Not even gonna try and make you understand cause you clearly don't care.


@thibaultmol their user banner is brave browser... 🤣


@frameworkcomputer What is the deal with the power adapter on this new one? Looking at a DIY pre-order Intel Core and I don't see any option for picking one, opting out, or any indication if it comes with one by default.

Jonathan Wight

@frameworkcomputer is there somewhere in the Bay Area I can try one?

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