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Mike M.

@ShredderFeeder @jannem @CosmicTraveler @mhoye
Aptera, if/when it comes to market. (They claim 400 miles on a single charge. [Edited; idk where I got "900 miles", they actually claim 400.] Very aerodynamic, and three wheels (taildragger) to reduce rolling resistance. Only seats two, but has a large, tapered trunk. Currently on the 4th or 5th developmental version.)


@mmlvx @ShredderFeeder @jannem @CosmicTraveler @mhoye still claims "Travel up to
1,000 miles on a single charge", but AIUI they're offering several versions and the cheapest model only does 400.

Democracy Dies in Dumbass

@PuddleOfKittens @mmlvx @jannem @CosmicTraveler @mhoye

It's an interesting idea. Supplemental power is not a bad thing because batteries alone aren't going to be good enough.

Kevin Freitas replied to Democracy Dies in Dumbass

@ShredderFeeder @mmlvx @PuddleOfKittens @mhoye @jannem @CosmicTraveler We’ve had an EV with charging in our garage (power had to be run from back of house, cost only $1100 total) since 2018 and have taken various road trips with zero problems.

Never visiting a gas station (charging stations are quiet, don’t smell, and are a welcome 20 min break from driving for us and our kid), the quiet drive, and lack of maintenance are well worth it

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