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Democracy Dies in Dumbass

@Brad_Rosenheim @mhoye it's good since I won't be caught dead in any car built after 2014.

EV's aren't my hang-up, but internet-connected cars? Not a fucking chance. Those are a hack away from being a mass-casualty-event. (All someone has to do is "Every Tesla Turns Left NOW!") and we're all done for.

Dr. Brad Rosenheim

Yeah, there are some dismal scenarios out there, all made possible by driving a mobile computer inviting others to control it.


Democracy Dies in Dumbass

@Brad_Rosenheim @mhoye I don't even like the computer in my 2010. My only solace is that you have to connect a physical cable *AND* have the key to hack it...

(and even then, I have mechanical brakes and a real steering column that's connected to the wheels by more than just a wire.)

abracadabra holmes

@ShredderFeeder @Brad_Rosenheim @mhoye
Great. Stay home all the time except when you drive nonstop to whogivesashitville. We'll let you know when there's an electric dickmobile

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