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Democracy Dies in Dumbass

@doctormo @mhoye But as I said in the past, I won't drive a car that's internet connected, so most if not all electrics are flat out.


@ShredderFeeder @doctormo @mhoye
I'm headed your direction. I have a 2014 BMW i3 which is a pretty dumb/disconnected EV. I like that.

There are companies that convert older (often classic) cars to EV. That seems like the best option for folks like us. They rip out all the gas systems, fit battery boxes wherever they can, and make a mounting plate for the electric motor. They typically end up about the same level of tech as the foundation car.

Democracy Dies in Dumbass

@neverbeaten @doctormo @mhoye I had a friend who converted an old Mitsubishi eclipse to electric. It was good for his commute but not much else ..but that was the purpose. He had his truck for everything useful.


@ShredderFeeder @doctormo @mhoye honestly driving a car without internet is almost impossible now. Every car in the last few years is connected, whether you use the internet side or not, the OEM is gathering your and the vehicles data

When I was working at stelantis, the only car they had that was newer than 2017 that wasn't connected was the dodge journey

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