@mhoye Image description: A table from Bloomberg Green titled "EV Sales Surge Ahead for Most Automakers in US. Excluding Tesla, sales rose 13% compared with last year". The table is made up of 5 columns labeled company, Q1 2024, Q1 2023, Change, and Change %. The companies listed are Tesla, Hyundai/Kia, Ford, GM, Volkswagen, Rivian, Mercedes, BMW, Nissan, and Toyota. The table showcases how Tesla has made 21,443 sales less in Q1 2024 than Q1 2023, representing a 13.3 percent loss. Besides Tesla, GM and Volkswagen have also lost some sales, losing less sales in total. All other companies have shown increases, with some like Toyota increasing their sales 85.9 %. #AltText4You #ImageDescription