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The Windows/Linux situation over the past few decades is an interesting study in just how bad you can make a paid product before people will suffer some friction to move to a free one.


@vampiress I would argue structural barriers were erected by private interests to prevent moving being viable at lower levels of friction. Just like in all the other situations they did that.


@daedalus Yes, and all this despite the major barrier ("i can't use my OS-native software") being rendered largely moot by every “app" being a web page now.


@vampiress Apple is working very hard to undermine that on iOS


@daedalus The every app being a web page? Yes.

:PUA: Shlee fucked around and

@vampiress @daedalus I'm anti-UX.. every toot should be visible as a series of JSON. themes are an antipattern.

Daniel Howard 🌻

@vampiress People with money can pay a bit more for a user-friendly crippled Linux-like experience integrated onto shiny hardware.

millennial falcon

@vampiress sound like windows/linux is to OS as twitter/fedi is to spcial media


@falcennial There’s a lot to that. For example, one of the things that’s stopped me is the overwhelming choice of distros. @vampiress

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