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Ian Wagner

@luna actually laughed out loud 🀣

Sarah M

@C_Alfaro @luna Same on my dice. I guess we are going to have to find our Dex stats to determine who goes first, or roll again.


@luna Make a Wisdom saving throw DC 10 + (number of paragraphs) or lose 2 turns.


@luna I hope I get a bonus from my SPF or DKIM settings.

RΓ©mi Rampin

@luna When my auto-responder has the answer to their question, I do feel like a critical success on my wisdom save

John Francis

@luna Mail delivery subsystem "mailbox is full" or "the email address is not known"

Ian Langham

@luna 8. Now roll perception, I need to find someone who buys art.

Critical... πŸ˜…πŸ« 

The cat who walks thru walls

@luna The email hits. The email hits. The email hits. You suddenly feel seen and loved.

Mx Amber Alex

@luna 20. I'm not trapped in here with the email, the email is trapped in here with me!

David Nash

@luna @irina


Nothing too bad happens. The email, wounded but not dead, skulks off into the shadows to recover. I continue on my merry way, but am dreading the rolls I’ll have to make against a growling pack of LLMs in the next town.

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