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@forrestbrazeal #alt4you #alttext4you
A web-comic listing "Bold Ideas For Funding OSS".

The first panel is titled "The Github Star Registry Name a Star After Someone Special" with a person giving a certificate naming star 179063 on tensorflow after "Jessica" presumably to a female appearing "Jessica". "Jesscia" responds "This cost HOW much?" 1/5



The second panel is titled "Merge Conflict Pay-Per-View" and shows three people sitting on a couch watching a TV showing a split image with one side colored red and the other colored green. The TV has a voice saying "Ohh, that's a brutal diff!" and one of the viewers says "I don't see how he comes back from this one".


@forrestbrazeal 3/5 The third panel is titled "Obfuscate your code, then paywall your docs" with a popup over text saying "Stumped yet? Subscribe to our onlyfunctions TM" and a blue accept button.
The fourth panel is titled "Replace OSS Foundations with MLM Schemes" and shows a person in-front of a poster of a tree graph speaking to a large audience. The speaker says "then if each of your maintainers signs up ten new maintainers"


@forrestbrazeal 4/5 The fifth panel is titled "Amazon sponsors all OSS projects in perpetuity" and shows a person in business attire handing a bottle to a person sitting at a desk with a computer on it. The person in business attire says "You work for us now. Here's your pee bottle". The panel also includes the author's fedi handle.


@forrestbrazeal 5/5 The sixth panel is titled "Straight-up bribery" and shows a person in a spy outfit talking to a hoodie wearing person in front of a computer. The spy says "I'll give you $50k to merge my malicious PR" and the hoodie wearing person responds "Buddy, for $0 you can take over this whole cursed project."

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