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@ivory well I'm happy to be wrong! You just haven't posted any updates in over a year

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Kit That's not true either. We've been putting out updates every few months. This next update is just taking a bit longer because we are trying to get a lot of things done this release and life has gotten in the way a bit as kids get out of school and summer begins. 🙂 But we are hoping to push out bigger updates more frequently over this summer.


@ivory sorry, I just meant updates/news here on Mastodon. It just made me assume the worst, I apologise!

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Kit Ah yea we try not to spam followers with a bunch of posts, but we do post when we put out big updates or have any relevant info for our users. 🙂 You can always turn on user notifications for our account if you want to make sure you don't miss any updates or news.

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