@smochi All being done, thankfully. My target platform is the Gameboy Advance: everything is being rasterised in software using fixed point ( the GBA has no GPU nor support for floating point). If you're curious: https://youtu.be/RDrjsrKmeOs
I do think I'm rapidly getting into diminishing returns at this point. I'm down to optimising things down to the instruction level (and below) in many of the inner loops. Over the past few days I rewrote the clipper & it now seems to no longer be the bottleneck.
@jsbarretto Heh, that's pretty cool! Reminds me of PSX graphics, particularly FF9. They also had very limited precision, which led to slight distortion when objects were being rotated.
FF9 didn't have stitching issues though, as far as I can remember. Maybe that's something you can still improve with a better coverage algorithm?