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Sorry to say, is under a ddos attack. The data is not affected, but most services are unavailable.

We are working on it & will post updates in comments.


Yeah, get your stolen archives back and running ASAP, Tides funded scumbags. @internetarchive


@internetarchive Take your time, I hope you manage to get back up soon


@internetarchive any reason why you all are being attacked?

Like what's the point to ddos attack you all?

Brewster Kahle

@internetarchive is back up!

this is a back-and-forth with attackers. Sees weekends and holidays are popular.

we made adjustments, but we will see.

at least Happy Memorial Day!


@internetarchive Good luck and keep up the great work! :cat_hug_triangle:


@internetarchive All these basement dwelling nerds could use their time and skill productively and hack the chinese government, but noo they have to attack the good guys :blobcatfacepalm:


@internetarchive bruh why would someone ddos Why do people have to be such trash?

G. Gibson

@internetarchive Can you afford DDOS protection from your hosting service? OVH provides this for free with every vps.

Charles Herold

@internetarchive I was wondering what was going on. Thanks.

Javielico 🌖

@internetarchive ClosedAI working on their next LLM model?


@internetarchive Well that sucks. Hope you guys can get everything under control!

Chrono Matthias

3hrs ago :: up again.
This has been a back and forth with the attackers. We have made some adjustments, but geez.

Internet Archive maps are well as well >>,-2


@internetarchive https://news.itsfoss.REPLACE-WITH-COM/mastodon-link-problem/


@internetarchive good luck Brewster, and crew - it's a nasty internet out there.

ByCzech Some new AI harvesting?

{:ok, "Joel Jucá"}

@internetarchive Hey – I just wanna share how admirable Internet Archive is, and send good energies to the ones in the war room. The project you build and maintain is absolutely awesome!

Thank you for such great work. Go beat these bastards!


@internetarchive you're legit one of the only good websites left fuck. People are fucking with archive yet not algo slop websites that deserve it


@internetarchive Thank you for everything you do. Sorry you have to deal with this BS.

Sam Thurston :verified:

@internetarchive can't wait to find out what discord flame war between preteens led to this

Chris Moorehead

@internetarchive Someone wants to erase history. And Trump’s not smart enough to think of this, so I’d guess it’s one of (1) Putin; or (2) Stephen Harper. But I repeat myself. #fascism #cdnpoli #Russia



Taking this moment to suggest and promote to everyone, the Internet Archive is the preservation effort of modern day human history and it will be crucial for our future generations. So if we can Donate to them:

#donate #internet #internetarchive #history #web


@internetarchive this is so sad.... you guys have such a good service

Klaus Zimmermann :unverified:

Imagine how much of a chicken-shit you'd have to be to DDoS the @internetarchive out of all the websites out there.

That said, I hope they recover soon…

Alveus Nosville

@internetarchive feels kinda wild that I got to experience a ddos attack before seeing the announcement.
Also feels kinda wild experiencing a ddos attack in 2024, not that it's anyone's but the culprit's fault.

John Carlsen


I noticed that Worgle (a 6-letter derivative of the Wordle game) is coincidentally also unavailable. It's usually at .

Could the attack be upstream at a common parent?


@internetarchive what a bag of dicks to DDoS the Internet Archive.

Simon and/or Garfunkel

@internetarchive This is sad. I love IA. We use it frequently for homeschooling. I hope you’re able to fix it soon.

Timothy Green

@internetarchive We're pulling for you, Archive. Get the perpetrators! 🔨

Terminally shy


This is a bit late and may get lost in the comments, but..

The U.S. presidential elections are fast approaching. I remember internetarchive's valiant preservation work in 2017-18, in the face of the new Trump administration's work to erase U.S. government data.

Nothing would surprise in the dirty tricks department of Trump & friends' efforts this year.

(And DeJoy's still in charge of the U.S. Mail! Why?!)

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