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Bart Van de Poel

@lostgen @davidho People in cities also have cars, and they agree with you that people from outside the city should come by public transport. I always do. This specific kind of infrastructure is for people living in that city, not for those outside it who probably have a driveway where they can charge their car and can't wait 12 hours for their car to charge. Even in cities with perfect bike and public transport infrastructure people still have cars. And yes it can be useful for shared cars too.

Jörg Seidel

Yes, I know that people in cities also have cars. I live in one. And i think the cars are a real problem. They make me be incredibly slow with my bike. I would 10min faster to work if everyone that can uses bikes, subway or bus. Which is nearly everyone there is.

Bart Van de Poel

@lostgen @davidho When I lived in Antwerp we didn't have a car either. If I lived there still I probably wouldn't have a car, it's more a problem than a sollution. Antwerp has quite good bike infrastructure and Park and Rides at the edges and a lot of car free streets. It has improved a lot for pedestrians, people taking public transport and cyclists. So I know exactly what you mean and I don't disagree that a liveable city should be the priority.

Jörg Seidel

exactly. bikes are even the fastest way of moving around. and they would be even faster if they didn't have to wait for cars all the time

Bart Van de Poel

@lostgen @davidho My daughter rides the e-bike to university every day. Takes her at least 20 minutes shorter than driving. Car traffic around Antwerp is horrible. I also left the car at home before covid and took the train or bike to get to work. Now I mostly work from home.

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