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Aleksandr Prokudin

Developers: we don't feel like using GTK for new complex applications. We'd rather use Qt or ImGui or whatever. In fact, we'd rather create our own toolkit than use GTK.

GNOME: okay, here is our 5-years strategic plan, mostly about inclusivity and promotion of GNOME. Note how we are not addressing your concerns. Please send us feedback.

Ole-André Rodlie

@prokoudine Yeah... The "GNOME Toolkit" 😛 is a dead end for non-GNOME software, especially cross-platform. Just fork it already and call it the "General Toolkit", or use something else.


@prokoudine To be fair, the GNOME Foundation doesn't handle anything in regard to the actual development direction.

Aleksandr Prokudin

@NekkoDroid but then who is in charge of technical strategy and where is it?


@prokoudine Those are good questions to which I don't really have an answer.

I've never really looking into it, but what are some of the major problems encountered with GTK that isn't the case in others?

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