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Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„

New people, welcome to Mastodon and the Fediverse!

Here's how to get started:

1. Find some people to follow over on @FediFollows, and through Trunk (

2. Find out your Mastodon/Fediverse address so you can share it with friends (

3. Invite people to join you on here by telling them to go to and click on "Get Started". It doesn't matter if they join a different server because the servers talk to each other (here's a bit more of an explanation

4. Find out what the Fediverse is (

5. Find out why Mastodon being on so many different servers/instances is a really good thing (

6. If you see anything nasty, you can report it to your friendly server admin (

7. You can (sort of) verify your account if you own a website (

If you have any questions, @ me or DM me!

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„


8. If you're blind or partially sighted, there's a guide specifically for screen reader users at

9. There is no overall owner of Mastodon, it's a collection of thousands of independent servers each with their own owner and set of rules.

10. There are no venture capitalists or cryptocurrencies or tokens or coins or web3 or NFTs or anything like that on Mastodon. Servers are entirely owned and paid for by their admins, and they rely on donations to keep going. Please be nice to them, they're doing you a favour by building this lovely corner of the internet.


8. If you're blind or partially sighted, there's a guide specifically for screen reader users at

9. There is no overall owner of Mastodon, it's a collection of thousands of independent servers each with their own owner and set of rules.

10. There are no venture capitalists or cryptocurrencies or tokens or coins or web3 or NFTs or anything like that on Mastodon. Servers are entirely owned and paid for by their admins, and they rely on donations...

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„

11. Mastodon instances and Mastodon servers are the same thing. It doesn't matter which word you use.

12. Don't worry too much about which server you choose, you can always move your account later (see here for details

13. You can even set up your own Mastodon server if you like. You don't need any tech skills if you use a managed hosting service like or, who do all of the techy stuff for you.

14. You can find apps to use at You do not have to use the official apps, if you don't want to! There are lots of great unofficial apps which actually have more features than the official ones. You can see the unofficial apps on by scrolling down to the "third party apps" section.

15. Servers listed on have all signed up to a covenant ( which promises responsible moderation and reliable service.

11. Mastodon instances and Mastodon servers are the same thing. It doesn't matter which word you use.

12. Don't worry too much about which server you choose, you can always move your account later (see here for details

13. You can even set up your own Mastodon server if you like. You don't need any tech skills if you use a managed hosting service like or, who do all of the techy stuff for you.

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„

16. Write something about yourself in your profile and add a picture. You don't have to use a real name or photo, call yourself whatever you want and use any picture you want.

17. Write an introductory post about yourself and give it the hashtag , so that people can say hello to you

18. Make sure you use hashtags in public posts so they can be discovered more easily. Most searches on Mastodon depend on hashtags.

19. Posts on Mastodon are also known as "toots" (because that's the noise an elephant makes, and the Mastodon is an ancient ancestor of the elephant 🐘 ), while retweets here are "boosts".

20. Another good beginner's guide is @noelle's "Increasingly Less-Brief Guide to Mastodon" at

16. Write something about yourself in your profile and add a picture. You don't have to use a real name or photo, call yourself whatever you want and use any picture you want.

17. Write an introductory post about yourself and give it the hashtag , so that people can say hello to you

18. Make sure you use hashtags in public posts so they can be discovered more easily. Most searches on Mastodon depend on hashtags.

Nakji Kiss

@feditips @noelle Hi! I'm new here. Using the iPhone app as I do not own a computer. How do I change my bkgrnd photo? There's an option to change my avatar photo but only that. TIA! πŸ‘‹πŸ™

Ellie πŸβ˜ƒοΈ :blobsnowedin:​

@NakjiKiss @feditips That's a really good question, and I don't know the answer! :o Do you mind if I boost this in case someone else knows?

Nakji Kiss

@noelle @feditips Yes! Excellent! Please do! πŸ––βœ¨Thank you!

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„

@noelle @NakjiKiss

You could log into Mastodon through your iPhone's web browser and change the photo through the web interface?


@NakjiKiss @feditips @noelle Happy to help! Click on the settings cog. Scroll down to "The Boring Zone" and tap Account Settings. Tap Continue. On the next screen go to the top right and tap the burger menu, then pick Profile. Scroll down to "Header".

Nakji Kiss

@spicytamazon @feditips @noelle Thanks a million!! It worked! ❀️ Happy camper, now! πŸ™πŸ‘‹

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