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StoryDragon, child of the harp

How much people join on an average day?
Was it now like thousand times more people than usual?

WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

@storydragon See (it's public so you should be able to view), I did a numbers breakdown :D


Well it's always good news to see good news :) Yay for all of us FOSS, Fediverse, and Privacy advocates!

But the whole, "tip of the iceberg" simile is playing out here in a concerning way, with respect to having to boost resources so early and so often.

This is, I believe, a logarithmic curve that surges on occasion, and will continue to threaten stability if not planned for in advance of advancing awareness by those heading to the train stations of the deprecated, legacy monolithic silos in the ensuing mass exodus cycles.

We need to be vigilant and prepare, coz it's only going to get better :)

Again, kudos, and keep up the exemplary efforts!



Well it's always good news to see good news :) Yay for all of us FOSS, Fediverse, and Privacy advocates!

But the whole, "tip of the iceberg" simile is playing out here in a concerning way, with respect to having to boost resources so early and so often.

This is, I believe, a logarithmic curve that surges on occasion, and will continue to threaten stability if not planned for in advance of advancing awareness by those heading to the train stations...

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