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Genuine question: who is *asking* for these features? Is there any consumer/user of windows who's been requesting this?


@Ooze @molly0xfff

I'd really love to see that demand though. Because if it's just about "spying" you actually WOULDN'T ever want to feed it to a learning model, you'd just want to keep the recordings.

Ooze 𓁟

@tveastman @molly0xfff unless you want to use this data to train it to do the jobs the humans are currently doing.

Molly White

@tveastman i'm going to go with "microsoft execs desperately trying to justify all the money they're shoveling into the AI fire"



That's truly all I've got too... I'm looking for some kind of counterfactual but it really seems that cynical so far.


@tveastman @molly0xfff As I understand it, there is a belief at the business strategy level (VC/shareholders/Cxx) that authentic user activity is the new commons which needs to be enclosed.

The old Internet, pre-generative AI, is gone and when a meaningful use for LLMs coalesces whoever controls the source of new training data will win at capitalism.

Claiming that data scraping is a feature which serves users is just a way to manufacture consent.

Glad to hear any less cynical explanations.

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