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Derek Powazek 🐐

I was part of the first generation to take to the web and fill it with my hopes and dreams, my stories and music, seeking connection and building community.

Watching assholes like Sam Altman treat all that collected humanity as a strip mine makes me indescribably sad.

It also makes me want to punch him in his smug fucking face.


@fraying you have my permission to punch his face



Well, I’m inspired by your whole goat-farm thing. We’re all going to have to be more intentional about how we do “human.”

Derek Powazek 🐐

@phoutz it’s a quieter life, but a more healthy one.

Lonely tho.

Stéphane Deschamps

@fraying @phoutz Concurring.
I was very active on the French web scene a few years ago and have taken one or two steps back. Yes it's much lonelier. I haven't really come to terms with that yet.

The relative fame I can do without, it's fickle.
But the love that poured from so many contacts… yes, same.

Also, I miss The Fray, still.

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