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The geopolitics is of course complicated. It always is.

But in the mean time, innocent people are starving.

One thing I'm learning, spending time with people who have dedicated their careers to research on humanitarian crises, is that there's been a shift in how and when famines occur.

40 years ago, people talked about famines as a result of droughts. The famines we're having today are the direct result of warfare.


The notion of of famine as occurring in remote areas is being challenged. Cities are being hit now as well. Not just in Gaza, either. Urban populations have also been affected in South Sudan. I've heard that conditions in Haiti are worse than they've been in decades.

It's not *new* for urban areas to experience famine, but the last time this was at all common was during the World Wars.


I'm not sure what it is about these shifts that makes these situations hit harder. I imagine that part of it is that knowing that the people affected had a similar lifestyle to my own makes it more relatable. But also the fact that this is all about conflict means that this is all the result of human decisions. I guess that's applied to more famines in more remote areas as well.

Perhaps better news coverage is another factor here.


Meanwhile, I'm over here reading about starvation physiology.

From the 1940s Minnesota Starvation study:
"Contrary to the textbooks, heart muscle behaves much like skeletal muscle in starvation. In both acute and chronic undernutrition the heart shrinks in volume and in weight..."

Keys, A. (1948). CALORIC UNDERNUTRITION AND STARVATION, WITH NOTES ON PROTEIN DEFICIENCY. Journal of the American Medical Association, 138(7), 500.


Another quote from Keys (1948):
"Severe caloric inadequacy produces profound changes in the personality and the subjective state. Externally,
the major characteristics are apathy, depression and introversion. Social contacts are avoided and sex interest declines sharply. Psychiatric methods reveal, besides the depression, a well defined rise in the tendencies to hypochondriasis and hysteria."

dynamic replied to dynamic

I don't have any kind of grand thesis here. Mostly I'm processing things aloud. But this backdrop definitely affects how I'm reading the news, and when I see conversations about this online.

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