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In my professional life, I've wandered into a research project on modeling famines and starvation physiology. Which means I'm reading scientific literature on starvation physiology. I'm in a place of safety and resilience, but I can tell that even short term immersion in this material does have an effect on me, especially with where the world is right now.


It turns out that the bulk of the scientific literature on starvation physiology comes from the 1940s. You can fucking guess why.

It turns out that people in the United States and other members of the Alliies were extremely interested in how to care for chronically starved populations starting around 1944.


Why is it so hard to find documentation on what (if any) consequence "Limit" level moderation of an instance has on the Limited instance's ability to view content from the Limiting instance?

All that the JoinMastodon documentation page ( seems to say is "At this moment, limit does not affect federation."

Does anyone have more specific information on this?

(boosts welcome)

#Meta #ActivityPub #Mastodon


As continues to hash out how to handle the prospect of a Facebook- / Meta-hosted Activity Pub app, members of our community are pulling together early examples of how other instances are responding.

Here's's statement:

And here's the statement from the anarchist / antifascist instance Kolektiva:

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