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Looking into a DeviantArt importer to Pixelfed, what perfect timing with Groups, Marketplace and upcoming Collection features ✨

Five Element Ninja

@dansup Will the imported images automatically be set to unlisted with no way to change it like it does for the Instagram import?

David W. Jones

Hmmm. Possible to have both a Mastodon and Pixelfed account? I have a small, old Deviant Art site.

Chris Wood

@dansup Hot damn. I would definitely use this. Was thinking of making an art website to rehouse my old dA posts, but this would be so convenient.

When I exported my deviantArt images, I found that there are different URL patterns for the original, full-size images depending on when they were uploaded.

If you have a look around online it's well-documented, and there are tools to scrape the original high-res images too.

@dansup Hot damn. I would definitely use this. Was thinking of making an art website to rehouse my old dA posts, but this would be so convenient.

When I exported my deviantArt images, I found that there are different URL patterns for the original, full-size images depending on when they were uploaded.

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