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John Scott-Railton ☕

3/ If the "we are all at risk of cancer" from #foreverchemicals framing for some reason doesn't bug you, consider the taxpayer costs.

Numbers are staggering.

$64 billion in estimated increased disease burden in a single year.

Meanwhile #3M makes $1.5 billion a year from making the stuff.

And 16,000 of 3M's products still contain the chemical.

While company pledges to wind down manufacture. They haven't stopped.

To date, 3m has not admitted wrongdoing and faced no criminal liability

John Scott-Railton ☕

4/We're all living in a nonconsensual lab experiment on the effect of #foreverchemicals chemicals on health.

Short of a rocket to mars, we're stuck in the cage. There is no control group.

American? Look at the map. See light blue near you? That is not good news.

Search for your home address in this map to if your drinking water might be above EPA limits.

Keep in mind this is JUST tap water, there are other routes to exposure.


#environment #pollution

4/We're all living in a nonconsensual lab experiment on the effect of #foreverchemicals chemicals on health.

Short of a rocket to mars, we're stuck in the cage. There is no control group.

American? Look at the map. See light blue near you? That is not good news.

Search for your home address in this map to if your drinking water might be above EPA limits.


@jsrailton I imagine a rocket to Mars would be taking many of those chemicals with it and putting us all in a much smaller cage.

MooMoo the Cat

@jsrailton Welp, New Jersey and west Massachusetts are almost solid light blue. Same for North Carolina and Alabama. 😬

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