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John Scott-Railton ☕

Reading this🧵? Your blood probably contains some amount of toxic #foreverchemicals made by #3m

Enough to spike your risk of cancers & illnesses?

Without a blood test, you have no idea.

Why is their toxin running in your veins?

Well, 3M & #dupont kept the harms secret even as their toxins were incorporated into...everything.

From french fry bags to chairs.

They gaslit their own scientists.

& regularly dumped, creating toxic zones. 1/

#environment #pollution

Reading this🧵? Your blood probably contains some amount of toxic #foreverchemicals made by #3m

Enough to spike your risk of cancers & illnesses?

Without a blood test, you have no idea.

Why is their toxin running in your veins?

Well, 3M & #dupont kept the harms secret even as their toxins were incorporated into...everything.

John Scott-Railton ☕

2/ Risks from #foreverchemicals include Diabetes, obesity, testicular #cancer, developmental delays...

Some researchers think that anyone exposed to these chemicals will have an elevated cancer risk.

At ANY concentration.

Since scientists estimate that we ALL have at least one of these forever chemicals in our blood...

That would be all of us.

#environment #endocrine #immunesystem

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