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"I see you are watching a ripped copy of 'Into the Spiderverse' from your media server. Would you like to make a payment to the Sony corporation now or should this PC contact the Copyright authorities?"

Actually wonder what the DRM applications of an always on, locally embedded AI, owned by one of the current tech giants, on your personal computer might be.

1 comment
Kent Pitman

@RojCowles @molly0xfff

Maybe a healthy market in desktop background images that say "All actions here are copyright <user>. All rights reserved. No permission is given to Microsoft for recording, nor to any AI for analysis unless by express written permission of <user>. However, screen images are available for purchase at $10,000 per image. Continuing to take screen images after this notice is visible to any AI constitutes acceptance of this fee." or some such. Just thinking aloud. I'm sure some chatbot would suggest better phrasing.

@RojCowles @molly0xfff

Maybe a healthy market in desktop background images that say "All actions here are copyright <user>. All rights reserved. No permission is given to Microsoft for recording, nor to any AI for analysis unless by express written permission of <user>. However, screen images are available for purchase at $10,000 per image. Continuing to take screen images after this notice is visible to any AI constitutes acceptance of this fee." or some such. Just thinking aloud. I'm sure some...

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