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Alex Schroeder

Whenever I hear of a digital assistant that sounds like a woman I wonder what this will do to us as a society. We can order them around, verbally abuse them, expect endless patience, servile excuses, pampering and ego massage? I'm looking forward to the sniveling and groveling voices of Reagan, Trump, Gates, Jobs, Bezos, Nixon. That's right! "Oh, I'm sorry, of course trickle down economy doesn't work. Let me give the the list of reasons to avoid Internet Explorer. That is valuable feedback, thank you! People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook! Make America Great Again pisses on all the values we stood for in the Long Peace but you know that as your new overlord I piss on the Long Peace with a long piss…" OK Trumpy, forget all that, please shut down and never come back.

bouncepaw 🍄

@alex A Russian bank has a male assistant named Oleg. I don't remember any other male voice assistants though


@bouncepaw @alex British Siri has a masculine voice IIRC

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