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Step 5: Throw your Windows computer in the sink, add salt and hot water, marinate for one week.

Step 6: Go live in a faraday cage in the woods with no electricity - there is no hope for humanity any longer.

How to disable Windows recall: 
1) Click the Windows button on your keyboard
2) Open the Settings app and go to Privacy & security > Recall & snapshots
3. Disable the Save Snapshots option. 
4. If you already have snapshots taken, you can delete them by clicking "Delete snapshots"

@Tanatoes @molly0xfff Obviously Windows recall is on by default, so it will have taken snapshots as you set up your new computer ...

young man yells at the cloud

@Tanatoes @molly0xfff "Click the windows button on your keyboard" HOW??? My mouse cursor is constrained to the screen. Please advise.

int%rmitt]nt sig^al. ...~!...)

@Tanatoes @molly0xfff
Just download and install your favorite Linux distro and have done wit it.

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