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T Chu 朱


In addition to being spyware, the software bloat is just unbelievable.

All I want is a machine that can do word processing. The occasional spreadsheet, and access to the interwebs. There's so much garbage running in the background now I need a machine more powerful than what we used to use to run helicopter simulators to literally do training. And this computer moved a 6 degree of freedom helicopter on hydraulics.

The bloat is absolutely ridiculous.

There's a spacecraft literally in outer space that is a fraction of the capacity of my laptop and my laptop takes 10 minutes to boot.

Dr. Heather Etchevers

You seem like a good candidate to move to Ubuntu. Familiar interface, easy to use from the get-go, and lots of free software shared by passionate creators. Also LibreOffice and Firefox/Thunderbird, and you're pretty much set. Try it out!

T Chu 朱

@thespoonless @Etche_homo

I probably should look into it. My current machine has specialty software used for some research that I can't ditch yet. Will look into this for the next.


Dr. Heather Etchevers

@chu @thespoonless Same issue. But try refurbishing an older machine (this was my entry point) - you could be in for a pleasant surprise.

Kent Pitman


And your laptop probably operates a million times faster than that spacecraft and still can't win that race.

But not just software bloat. Data bloat. I remember in the early days of audio and video editing thinking someone at Microsoft probably made a co-marketing deal with hardware disk vendors that they would give away such recorders for free just so that people would suddenly burn through tons of disk and need more hardware. Dunno if that was true, but it's easy to understand how it could be.

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