Another one I made for my last job, and it's for annotating GeoJSON geometries: "Geometry Review".
You load a set of geometries to compare into it, and it shows a bunch of buttons for each set: "OK", "Bad" etc, your choice.
No extra clicking or studying required, you glance at the map, press a 1/2/3 key, see the next item. And export the result in the end.
Used this tool to annotate hundreds of routes and review predictions.
Geo is easy until you see it on the map.
For a very long time the leading repository on my github was "leaflet-grayscale" with a hundred stars.
I love @leaflet and made too many plugins for it. This one was quite simple — but I guess useful enough.
It just makes the map grayscale.
There are too few layers fit for a visualization background. Sometimes removing colors (and labels if possible) is good enough.