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Ilya Zverev

Having tag proposals on this list feels like cheating — despite those take weeks to materialize, mostly because of research and writing and discussing in our Russian-speaking community.

For example, my turns lanes proposal took two weeks researching eight other proposals, charting examples, writing the proposal and FAQ.

It failed because it was hard to understand, unlike the semantically weird but simple turn:lanes schema.

Mappers need simple, not consistent.

1 comment
Ilya Zverev replied to Ilya

When I set out to write a reverse geocoder, I had a very narrow scope in mind: basically the east coast of the US. But the longer you study something, the more edge cases you find. Got a few talks out of it:

Juno Reverse Geocoder is covered in tests no other geocoder would pass, and is built on SQL. I bragged that it was faster than Nominatim, but recently I've tested it and it's like 8 times slower. Still, worked fine for our company.

When I set out to write a reverse geocoder, I had a very narrow scope in mind: basically the east coast of the US. But the longer you study something, the more edge cases you find. Got a few talks out of it:

Juno Reverse Geocoder is covered in tests no other geocoder would pass, and is built on SQL. I bragged that it was faster than Nominatim, but recently I've tested it and it's like 8 times slower. Still, worked fine for our company.

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