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Tucker McKnight

@nixCraft Even if it is local to your device at launch, there's absolutely no way it's going to stay that way. They'll be offering a service to "back up your PC's memories to the cloud" soon enough.

stony kark

@nixCraft literal spyware on top of the other spyware, sorry โ€œtelemetryโ€, MS includes? Iโ€™d pass, but MS still insists my PC canโ€™t possibly upgrade to windows 11


@nixCraft This is the most ridiculous market-making for specialized coprocessors. Imagine Apple trying to pitch "Sherlock Extreme" that only worked if you had a modern GPU ten years ago. I guess that's OK now because 'AI'?


@nixCraft Because, you know, what starts local stays local on a Windows PC.


@nixCraft yeah right, I still donโ€™t trust them. Thank god I moved to Linux last year.


@nixCraft Nope. Nope. Nope. Count me all the way the fuck out of that.


@nixCraft More and more reasons are coming up on why you should uininstall Windows. Yep, here's another one :D


@nixCraft oh it can only be seen by that personโ€™s account? Oh great. Itโ€™s not like every person I know uses 1 account shared with everyone.

Like my boss who has all employees use the same account he will be able to spy on everyone with.

Siddhesh Gunjal

@nixCraft All these features are just making us humans more and more dumber. It shouldn't be a struggle to remember what you did. No thanks, I will just uninstall windows or just opt-out if I can.....


This is presented by the firm who collects your BitLocker keys and has implemented telemetry in the fucking calculator.

Beko Pharm

@sebsauvage @nixCraft so.. it's not just my Android calculator that asks for consent any more?

It was fun while it lastet ๐Ÿฅฒ

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