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nixCraft 🐧

Satya Nadella says Windows PCs will have a photographic memory feature called Recall that will remember and understand everything you do on your computer by taking constant screenshots. This is a great reason to ditch windows altogether. Switch to #Linux 🧑‍💻 They don’t care about your privacy or safety anymore and not hiding it either. Source

Patrick Perdue

@nixCraft If only I could. The state of Linux Desktop accessibility for those of us who are blind is... not great. Here's hoping things improve.

bazkie bumpercar | moved here!

@nixCraft damn is that forreal? I'm so happy I didn't upgrade to 11 and moved to Linux for daily use..

Windows, more like LoseThose!


@nixCraft Linux had a similar feature years ago. It was designed to track everything you did, so you could find "That document I was editing last Tuesday" or "The music I was listening to while coding that application" and all manner of other complex searches. It was shipped by default in multiple distros. I don't think it took screenshots, but it gathered a hell of a lot of useful, searchable data.

nixCraft 🐧

here is the video from the ms ceo

Tucker McKnight

@nixCraft Even if it is local to your device at launch, there's absolutely no way it's going to stay that way. They'll be offering a service to "back up your PC's memories to the cloud" soon enough.

stony kark

@nixCraft literal spyware on top of the other spyware, sorry “telemetry”, MS includes? I’d pass, but MS still insists my PC can’t possibly upgrade to windows 11


@nixCraft This is the most ridiculous market-making for specialized coprocessors. Imagine Apple trying to pitch "Sherlock Extreme" that only worked if you had a modern GPU ten years ago. I guess that's OK now because 'AI'?


@nixCraft Because, you know, what starts local stays local on a Windows PC.


@nixCraft yeah right, I still don’t trust them. Thank god I moved to Linux last year.


@nixCraft Nope. Nope. Nope. Count me all the way the fuck out of that.


@nixCraft More and more reasons are coming up on why you should uininstall Windows. Yep, here's another one :D


@nixCraft oh it can only be seen by that person’s account? Oh great. It’s not like every person I know uses 1 account shared with everyone.

Like my boss who has all employees use the same account he will be able to spy on everyone with.

Siddhesh Gunjal

@nixCraft All these features are just making us humans more and more dumber. It shouldn't be a struggle to remember what you did. No thanks, I will just uninstall windows or just opt-out if I can.....


This is presented by the firm who collects your BitLocker keys and has implemented telemetry in the fucking calculator.

Beko Pharm

@sebsauvage @nixCraft so.. it's not just my Android calculator that asks for consent any more?

It was fun while it lastet 🥲


@nixCraft I'll rather give my CC to Sony before installing that cursed clippy maximizer

The Green Knight

@nixCraft "it's all happening locally"

what a putrid lying sack of shit.

fuck this guy and everyone empowering him.

I'll straight up pull a Cooper Howard on every person responsible for this in the apocalyptic wasteland when it comes.

I'm not a violent person, but this fucker has the AUDACITY to sit there and fucking LIE to me because he thinks I'm too stupid to realize it. dude needs a reality adjustment with a sock full of oranges.

fuck Satya Nadella, fuck Microsoft, fuck "AI"



I heard a sound, as if the entire infosec industry suddenly cried out.


@nixCraft, fsck that. Did Nadella consider the privacy implications? MS forcing accounts, telemetry, and now screenshots of the desktop to teach AI to build literally a interest profile of the user. This is all a bridge to far for me. Great for additional ad-revenue on a paid software (or is it service now?).

Granted, only a couple of my straggler PCs run Windows 10, but yea, not moving to Windows 11.

mvyrmnd :PUA:

@nixCraft pure, unadulterated, uncut, watching over your shoulder while you use your computer.

AndrewFelix 🐀🏴‍☠️ 🇵🇸

@nixCraft ffs can adobe please move their software over to Linux. I’m so over this.

Xavier Jacques Côté

@nixCraft sooo I guess if someone wants to visit “a corn site”, the incognito feature on the browser is useless because Recall will make your so called “data visualisation” searchable.

Thats will makes your PC/stuff show ads about what you saw, because there will have a lot advertiser money for that info!

So I guess some folks will need a separate device, with a separate Msft identity just to be sure they can look at corn and be sure it’s stay private.

Thats creepy as hell.


”We have deduced your daily work is basically a 9 step loop, interspersed with a few Teams calls, and some random emailing. You are now a Power Automate script. Please collect your 2 week severance when dropping off badge. Goodday.

- HR

(dnr, unmonitored mbox)”


@nixCraft Aaaaand... what about all that storage I need for screenshots taken every 10 seconds?

Jeremy 🇨🇦

@JayLittle I will never expand my bash history file and Microsoft cannot wield the power of AI or anime in order to get access to those lost commands

Nadiyar V2.6

@nixCraft At least someone looked at Nadella's eyes and called him a creep


@nixCraft why? Yeah, I understand the purpose and commercial possibilities.

But why the convoluted way of taking screenshots? Doesn’t the OS draw the screen? Doesn’t it have access to all data already? Even more than is on the screen?

This sounds like a lazy beginner programmer way of solving things.

‘I don’t want to get into all the APIs and stuff, I just take a sceenshot an run in through AI’.

Kacper Potoczny

@nixCraft yeah, only think I'm sure, is that it will be used for reselling very precise data about users. They just want excuse to hoard it in such a scale.

"Microsoft cares about your privacy"

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