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Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor:

@NewtonMark @hacks4pancakes strongly encourage everyone to swear as much as possible to actively fuck over the process

(i'm sure they can just manually filter it out, but goddammit I'm gonna do something)

Tim Hergert

@dave_cochran @NewtonMark @hacks4pancakes maybe start copy and pasting scripts for Disney movies (or other equivalently viciously litigious copyright holders) into channels.

I interspersed, of course, with euphemisms that would knock a buzzard off a shit wagon.

Salacious Crumb

@cjust @dave_cochran @NewtonMark @hacks4pancakes Might I suggest mixing in some of the more tasteful quotes from Trailer Park Boys?

Tim Hergert

@salaciouscrumb @dave_cochran @NewtonMark @hacks4pancakes to be fair, perhaps also from another beloved Canadian curse-laden show as well?

I'm sure we can figure it oot.

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